의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간도서입니다. 

Mayo Clinic Electrophysiology Manual is the first comprehensive guide to the electrical activity of biological cells and tissues and the techniques of electrophysiology. Through a case-based discussion of patients with arrhythmias, the book illustrates the various contemporary techniques for diagnosis, imaging, and physiology-based therapeutic ablation.

Section One addresses the basics of electrophysiology, including device placement, recording, measurement, diagnosis, imaging, amperometry, and physiology-based therapeutic ablation, helping the reader appreciate and more fully understand the complexity and lessons of the emergent specialty. The second section is a case-based discussion of adult and pediatric arrhythmias broken down into twenty patient case studies intended to help the student and clinician apply their understanding of electrophysiology to real presentations, and think about how to plan and execute invasive study and ablation. Each of the twenty case chapters features a question and answer section in order to aid study and retention of material.

Replete with full-page color images of intracardiac electrograms, fluoroscopic images, ultrasound images, advanced mapping, and correlated anatomic dissection, Mayo Clinic Electrophysiology Manual is the first focused exploration of the topic and is specifically designed to help both students and practitioners understand and integrate techniques into their daily practice. At present, clinicians have to piece together information on electrophysiology from a variety of sources, often leaving gaps in knowledge. Mayo Clinic Electrophysiology Manual provides the clinician with a single authoritative guide and quick reference. Through in-depth analysis of electrophysiological techniques and an understanding of the anatomic and physiological basis for present day mapping, image integration, and ablation, this volume is an indispensable resource for students, practicing physicians, researchers, and experts in electrophysiology.

Includes 12 months of free online access with purchase.  

- 도서목차 - 

Section I: Understanding the Tools and Techniques of Electrophysiology

1. Introduction to the Electrophysiology Manual: Fluoroscopic Views, Electrograms, and Relevant Anatomy
Samuel J. Asirvatham, MD

2. Use of Intracardiac Echocardiography in Cardiac Electrophysiology
Paul A. Friedman, MD, and Samuel J. Asirvatham, MD

3. Electroanatomic Mapping for Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias
Amit Noheria, MBBS, Traci L. Buescher, RN, and Samuel J. Asirvatham, MD

4. Diagnostic Maneuvers Commonly Used in the Electrophysiology Laboratory: Understanding the Rationale, Techniques, and Interpretation
Samuel J. Asirvatham, MD

5. Reentry, Transient Entrainment, and Concealed Entrainment
Win-Kuang Shen, MD

6. Approach to Wide QRS Tachycardias
Yong-Mei Cha, MD, and Samuel J. Asirvatham, MD

7. Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology
Hon-Chi Lee, MD, PhD, and Arshad Jahangir, MD

8. Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy: Understanding Options for the Ablationist
Arshad Jahangir, MD

9. Catheter Ablation and Device Therapy in Congenital Heart Disease
Chenni S. Sriram, MBBS, Malini Madhavan, MBBS, Peter A. Brady, MB, ChB, MD, Bryan C. Cannon, MD, Christopher J. McLeod, MB, ChB, PhD, and Samuel J. Asirvatham, MD

Section II: Case Studies: Testing the Principles

Glossary of Catheter Names

Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Case 5
Case 6
Case 7
Case 8
Case 9
Case 10
Case 11
Case 12
Case 13
Case 14
Case 15
Case 16
Case 17
Case 18
Case 19
Case 20


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