의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간도서입니다.

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Part I  내과 (Internal Medicine)
01. Introduction 
02. General History Taking 
03. Which part of the chest is aching? 
04. Do you get any pains in your chest? 
05. Where's the pain coming from? 
06. When were you first diagnosed with it? 
07. How much weight have you gained? 
08. Do you check your blood pressure at home? 
09. How out of breath are you? 
10. Do you test her blood sugar regularly at home? 
11. Does it smell bad? 


Part II  일반외과 (General Surgery)
01. When does the bleeding occur? 
02. Does it seem to be related to any food or drink? 
03. How did you get hurt? 
04. Have you ever felt any lumps in your breast? 
05. I'll give you a tetanus shot


Part III 산부인과 (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
01. Are you on your period? 
02. I know it's a personal question, but it's very important for an accurate diagnosis. 
03. Do you use any kind of birth control? 
04. Do you have any vaginal discharge? 
05. Did you report that to the police? 
06. Do you have any trouble when you have sex? 


Part IV 소아과 (Pediatrics)
01. Did you take his temperature? 
02. Has he gotten all his vaccinations?
03. How is he acting? Is he playful or lethargic? 
04. Did he lose control of his bladder or bowels? 
05. What was he doing when it started? 


Part V  신경과/신경외과 (Neurology/Neurosurgery)
01. How frequent are the headaches? 
02. Are you dizzy when you stand up? 
03. Are there any things that are difficult to remember? 
04. Does anything in particular seem to trigger it? 
05. Does the pain move or radiate anywhere? 
06. How long did you pass out for? 
07. Have you done any heavy lifting recently? 


Part VI  신경정신과 (Neuropsychiatry)
01. What time do you usually go to bed? 
02. How long have you felt this way? 
03. How often does it seem to happen to you? 
04. Do you feel safe at home? 
05. How often does he wet the bed? 


Part VII  이비인후과 (Ear Nose Throat)
01. Is it hard for you to pick up what others say? 
02. Do you have a runny nose?
03. Do you suffer from heartburn?
04. Have you noticed any discharge from it? 


Part VIII  정형외과 (Orthopedics)
01. Have you injured your knee in the past? 
02. Why didn't you seek medical attention previously? 
03. Is there ever a burning or tingling sensation? 
04. Have you injured yourself recently?
05. When did you first notice the tingles?
06. We need to take an X-ray of it just to be sure. 
07. Does it hurt when I press here? 
08. We'll numb your finger with a local anesthetic. 
09. I'll put your wrist in a cast. 


Part IX  비뇨기과 (Urology)
01. When you urinate, does it ever dribble? 
02. Have you noticed an unusual smell? 
03. Do you leak urine before you get to the bathroom? 
04. Are you able to get an erection when you are alone? 


Part X  안과 (Ophthalmology)
01. Please look right into my eyes. 
02. Do your eyes get tired easily? 
03. Do you see floaters in your eyes? 
04. Do you know if you're near-sighted or far-sighted? 


Part XI  피부과 (Dermatology)
01. Do you have any allergies? 
02. Where are you breaking out the most? 
03. Where does it itch the most? 
04. What do you think is the cause of your hair loss? 


Part XII  치과 (Odontology)
01. Do you have any problems with your teeth or gums at present? 
02. Could you open your mouth wide and say ‘ah’? 
03. Are your gums receding? 
04. Have you ever worn dentures or partials? 

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성보의학서적 "http://www.medcore.kr