의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간도서입니다.

Excel on your exams with this bestselling cell biology and histology review! Part of the popular Board Review Series, this updated and revised edition helps you maximize your exam prep and ensure the best possible outcomes on your course and board exams. More concise than ever, the outline-style format distills the most commonly tested and clinically relevant cell biology and histology information succinctly, ideal for on-the-go learning. Vibrant illustrations and photomicrographs, clinical highlights, and more than 320 board-style review questions with answers reinforce your understanding and prepare you for success from your exams to your clinical career.
Updated content reflects the latest clinical perspectives and practices related to cell biology and histology.
Quick-scan outline format helps you maximize your study time.
Additional Clinical Considerations boxes demonstrate the practical applications of cell biology and histology concepts.
New and revised board-style review questions with answers test your understanding of content emphasized on course and board exams.
Comprehensive practice exam helps you ensure the best possible exam outcomes.
New photomicrographs, high-quality illustrations, and full-color tables clarify concepts and clinical details.
Accompanying interactive question bank of questions from the chapters and comprehensive exam prepares you for the testing experience.

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