의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간도서입니다.

Learn to accurately diagnose, prevent and treat all three acnes using both traditional and novel approaches to understanding the causes and selecting the most effective treatments.

Acne vulgaris is an extremely common condition. It is troublesome to manage, often persisting into middle age. Exact causes are becoming clear and include several hormonal stimulants, some triggered by the Western diet, and a pathogen ignored for decades. Acnes rosacea and inversa (hidradenitis suppurativa) are discussed from entirely new viewpoints.

Acne: Causes and Practical Management will provide readers at all levels with a practical, well-illustrated approach to fully understanding of these disorders, a faster and more cost-effective management regimen and the rationales for their prevention.

In full colour throughout and with over 200 excellent clinical images, key highlights include:

Brought to you by one of the world’s leading authorities on the subject, Acne: Causes and Practical Management willbe an essentialpurchase for the dermatologist.


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