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Rockwood, Green, and Wilkins'' Fractures, Seventh Edition gives you a complete print and multimedia package consisting of the established "gold-standard" three-volume reference on fractures, plus access to an integrated content website. In its thoroughly revised, d Seventh Edition, Rockwood, Green, and Wilkins'' Fractures is written by the world''s foremost authorities. It provides comprehensive coverage of all bone and joint injuries, thorough discussion of native methods for treating each injury, and coverage of the authors'' preferred methods. Volumes I and II cover fractures in adults Volume III covers fractures in children.

This edition has a more international group of contributors and 45 new chapter authors. The Fractures in Adults volumes have new chapters on principles of nerve injury and complex regional pain syndrome psychological aspects of trauma gunshot and wartime injuries principles of mangled extremity management amputations limb salvage reconstruction principles of post-traumatic infections principles of nons and principles of mals. The Fractures in Children volume has new chapters on ing, remodeling and what is unique about children''s fractures principles of physical examination of children with fractures and treacherous children''s fractures. More tips and pearls have been added to the authors'' preferred method presentations, and coverage of complications has been expanded.

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