의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간도서입니다.

Cystic fibrosis is the most common life-threatening inherited disease in the UK and Europe. It affects around 1 in 2500 live births in the UK. There have been enormous advances in the treatment of CF over the last 40 years, with life expectancy increasing from just 5 years in 1964 to mid 30s today, and it now affects as many adults as children. The burden of care for CF patients is, however, considerable, and with the increase in life expectancy the impact of CF on respiratory medicine has increased considerably.
Part of the Oxford Respiratory Medicine Library series, this pocketbook aims to be a concise companion for all health care professionals who manage, or come across, patients with CF. The book covers all aspects of care, including both paediatric and adult-specific issues. The book will appeal to a wide variety of health professionals in respiratory medicine, paediatrics, and primary care.

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