의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.  


The revised and updated second edition of a multidisciplinary, evidence-based clinical guide for the care of pregnant women with diabetes
The second edition of A Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy offers a wealth of new evidence, new material, new technologies, and the most current approaches to care. With contributions from a team of international experts, the manual is highly accessible and comprehensive in scope. It covers topics ranging from preconception to postnatal care, details the risks associated with diabetic pregnancy, and the long-term implications for the mother and baby. The text also explores recent controversies and examines thorny political pressures.
The manual’s treatment recommendations are based on the latest research to ensure pregnant women with diabetes receive the best possible care. The text takes a multi-disciplinary approach that reflects best practice in the treatment of diabetes in pregnancy. The revised second edition includes:
New chapters on the very latest topics of interest
Contributions from an international team of noted experts
Practical, state-of-the-art text that has been fully revised with the latest in clinical guidance
Easy-to-read, accessible format in two-color text design
Illustrative case histories, practice points, and summary boxes, future directions, as well as pitfalls and what to avoid boxes
Multiple choice questions with answers in each chapter

Comprehensive and practical, the text is ideal for use in clinical settings for reference by all members of the multi-disciplinary team who care for pregnant women with diabetes. The manual is also designed for learning and review purposes by trainees in endocrinology, diabetes, and obstetrics.


Table of Contents
List of Contributors
Section 1: Introduction
1. Epidemiology of Diabetes in Pregnancy
2. Pathophysiology of Diabetes
in Pregnancy
3. The Placenta in  Diabetic Pregnancy

Section 2: Gestational Diabetes
4. Screening for Gestational Diabetes
5. Diagnostic Criteria for Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy
6. Lifestyle treatment
7. Obesity and Diabetes in Pregnancy
8. Metabolic Abnormalities in Gestational Diabetes
9. Maternal risk after  Gestational Diabetes

Section 3: Diabetes Preceding Pregnancy
10. Pre pregnancy care in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
11. Malformations
12. Provision of pregnancy care
13. Problems encountered more frequently in women with type 1 diabetes
14. Problems encountered more frequently in women with type 2 diabetes
15. Advances in oral therapy
16. Advances in insulin therapy
17. Putting pregnant women with diabetes on the pump
18. Bariatric Surgery and its implications for diabetes in pregnancy .
19. Fetal surveillance
20. Hypertension and nephropathy
21. Retinopathy in Diabetic Pregnancy

Section 4: Delivery and Postnatal Care
22. Delivery and post-delivery care
23. Obstetric management of labor, delivery and the postnatal period
24. Care of the neonate
25. Postpartum Contraception for women with diabetes
26. Breastfeeding and Diabetes

Section 5: Implications for the Future
27. Implications for the mother with diabetes in pregnancy
28. Diabetes in pregnancy: Implications for the offspring
29. From  bench to  bedside and beyond: potential future therapies for Gestational Diabetes

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