의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Sharpen your skills in chest x-ray interpretation using this trusted clinical resource! Chest Radiology: Patterns and Differential Diagnoses, 7th Edition, by Dr. James Reed, walks you through a logical, sequential thought process for the differential diagnoses of 23 radiologic patterns of common chest diseases, using 150 superbly illustrated patient cases. You’ll gain a solid and thorough understanding of how to read and interpret chest x-rays with expert guidance on common disease patterns, differential diagnoses, narrowing down the diagnoses, and further studies (from additional radiographic exams to CT or to biopsy). Each chapter follows a consistent format: Presenting Case, Questions, Discussion, Top 5 Diagnoses, Summary, and Answer Guide.

Heavily illustrated with chest radiographs and additional CT, HRCT, and MR correlative images; plus bulleted summary boxes of comprehensive diagnoses lists and interpretation points.

  • An ideal resource for mastering this lower-cost modality before considering more complicated and costly procedures.
  • -도서목차-

    Part 1: Chest Wall, Pleura, and Mediastinum
    1. Introduction
    2. Chest Wall Lesions
    3. Pleural and Subpleural Opacities
    4. Pleural Effusion
    5. Pleural Thickening and Pleural Calcification
    6. Elevated Diaphragm
    7. Shift of the Mediastinum
    8. Widening of the Mediastinum
    9. Anterior Mediastinal Mass
    10. Middle Mediastinal Mass
    11. Hilar Enlargement
    12. Posterior Mediastinal Mass
    Part 2: Pulmonary Opacities
    13. Atelectasis
    14. Segmental and Lobar Consolidations
    15. Diffuse Air-Space Opacities
    16. Multifocal Ill-Defined Opacities
    17. Diffuse Fine Nodular Opacities
    18. Fine Reticular Opacities
    19. Coarse Reticular Opacities (Honeycomb Lung)
    20. Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
    21. Multiple Nodules and Masses
    Part 3: Hyperlucent Abnormalities
    22. Hyperlucent Thorax
    23. Solitary Lucent Defect
    24. Multiple Lucent Lesions

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    성보의학서적 "http://www.medcore.kr