의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Epigenetics of Aging and Longevity provides an in-depth analysis of the epigenetic nature of aging and the role of epigenetic factors in mediating the link between early-life experiences and life-course health and aging. Chapters from leading international contributors explore the effect of adverse conditions in early-life that may result in disrupted epigenetic pathways, as well as the potential to correct these disrupted pathways via targeted therapeutic interventions. Intergenerational epigenetic inheritance, epigenetic drug discovery, and the role of epigenetic mechanisms in regulating specific age-associated illnesses—including cancer and cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurodegenerative diseases—are explored in detail.
This book will help researchers in genomic medicine, epigenetics, and biogerontology better understand the epigenetic determinants of aging and longevity, and ultimately aid in developing therapeutics to extend the human life-span and treat age-related disease.
•Offers a comprehensive overview of the epigenetic nature of aging, as well as the impact of epigenetic factors on longevity and regulating age-related disease
•Provides readers with clinical and epidemiological evidence for the role of epigenetic mechanisms in mediating the link between early-life experiences, life-course health and aging trajectory
•Applies current knowledge of epigenetic regulatory pathways towards developing therapeutic interventions for age-related diseases and extending the human lifespan


역자 서문 iii
저자 서문 iv
저자에 대하여 v
Section I: Epigenetic Mechanisms in Aging
1. Aging epigenetics: changes and challenges
2. Defective DNA methylation/demethylation processes define aging-dependent methylation patterns
3. S-adenosylmethionine Metabolism and Aging
4. The Epigenetic Clock and Ageing
5. The Epigenetic Regulation of Telomere Maintenance in Aging
6. Living Long and Ageing Well: Are Lifestyle factors the Epigenetic link in the Longevity Phenotype?
7. Epigenetic Biomarkers for Biological Age
8. The Role of Non-Coding RNAs in Genome Stability and Aging
9. Intra-tissue DNA methylation heterogeneity in aging
Section II. Early-life Epigenetic Programming of Aging Trajectories
10. Early Life Nutrition, Epigenetics and Altered Energy Balance Later in Life
11. Early Nutrition, Epigenetics and Human Health
12. Biological Embedding of Psychosocial Stress over the Life Course
13. Epigenetics of longevity in social insects
Section III. Epigenetics of Aging-Associated Diseases
14. Drosophila melanogaster as a Model for Studying the Epigenetic Basis of Aging
15. Histone modification changes during aging: Cause or Consequence? - What we have learned about epigenetic regulation of aging from model organisms
16. Epigenetics of brain/cognitive aging
17. The role of epigenetic modifications in cardiometabolic diseases
18. Epigenetic mechanisms in osteoporosis
19. Epigenetics of Skeletal Muscle Aging
Section IV. Epigenome-targeted Therapies in Gerocscience
20. Healthy Aging and Epigenetic Drugs for Diabetes and Obesity: A Novel Perspective
21. Epigenetic Drugs for Cancer and Precision Medicine
22. Epigenetic Drug Discovery for Alzheimer’s Disease
Section V. Conclusions and Perspectives
23. Epigenetics of aging and longevity: challenges and future directions

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