의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Learn the basics of medical terminology with Medical Terminology: A Short Course, 8th Edition! Based on Davi-Ellen Chabner's proven learning method, this streamlined text omits time-consuming, nonessential information and helps you quickly build a working medical vocabulary of the most frequently encountered prefixes, suffixes, and word roots. Medical terms are introduced in the context of human anatomy and physiology so you understand exact meaning, and case studies, vignettes, and activities demonstrate how they're used in practice. With writing and interacting with medical terminology on almost every page, you’ll learn the content by doing the work. In addition, an Evolve companion website reinforces understanding with medical animations, word games, and flash cards.


1. Basic Word Structure
2. Organization of the Body
3. Suffixes
4. Prefixes
5. Medical Specialists and Case Reports
Appendix I: Body Systems
Appendix II: Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
Appendix III: Abbreviations, Acronyms, Symbols, and Eponyms
Appendix IV: Allied Health Careers
Mini-Dictionary: Glossary of Medical Terms
Glossary of Word Parts
Glossary of English-Spanish Terms

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성보의학서적 "http://www.medcore.kr