의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Epigenetics in Human Disease, Second Edition examines the diseases and conditions on which we have advanced knowledge of epigenetic mechanisms, such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, aging, metabolic disorders, neurobiological disorders and cardiovascular disease. In addition to detailing the role of epigenetics in the etiology, progression, diagnosis and prognosis of these diseases, novel epigenetic approaches to treatment are also explored. Fully revised and up-to-date, this new edition discusses topics of current interest in epigenetic research, including stem cell epigenetic therapy, bioinformatic analysis of NGS data, and epigenetic mechanisms of imprinting disorders.
Further sections explore online epigenetic tools and datasets, early-life programming of epigenetics in age-related diseases, the epigenetics of addiction and suicide, and epigenetic approaches to regulating and preventing diabetes, cardiac disease, allergic disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, respiratory diseases, and many other human maladies.
•Includes contributions from leading international investigators involved in translational epigenetic research and therapeutic applications
•Integrates methods and applications with fundamental chapters on epigenetics in human disease, along with an evaluation of recent clinical breakthroughs
•Presents side-by-side coverage of the basis of epigenetic diseases and treatment pathways
•Provides a fully revised resource covering current developments, including stem cell epigenetic therapy, the bioinformatic analysis of NGS data, epigenetic mechanisms of imprinting disorders, online epigenetic tools and datasets, and more


1.Epigenetics of Human Disease
Methods and Strategies to Determine Epigenetic Variation in Human Disease
DNA Methylation Alterations in Human Cancers
Alterations of Histone Modifications in Cancer
MicroRNA in Oncogenesis
Epigenetic Approaches to Cancer Therapy
Epigenomics in Neurobehavioral Diseases
Emerging Role of Epigenetics in Human Neurodevelopmental Disorders
The Epigenetics of Alzheimer’s Disease
Epigenetic Modulation of Human Neurobiological Disorders
Epigenetic Basis of Autoimmune Disorders in Humans
Approaches to Autoimmune Diseases Using Epigenetic Therapy
Epigenetic Mechanisms of Human Imprinting Disorders
Epigenomic Factors in Human Obesity
Epigenetic Approaches to Control Obesity
Epigenetics of Diabetes in Humans
The Potential of Epigenetic Compounds in Treating Diabetes
Epigenetic Aberrations in Human Allergic Diseases,
Therapy of Airway Disease: Epigenetic Potential
The Role of Epigenetics in Cardiovascular Disease
Epigenetics and Human Infectious Diseases
The Epigenetics of Endometriosis
Aberrant DNA Methylation in Endometrial Cancer
Stem Cell Epigenetics and Human Disease
Non-Coding RNA Regulatory Networks, Epigenetics, and Programming Stem Cell Renewal and Differentiation: Implications for Stem Cell Therapy
Aging and Disease: The Epigenetic Bridge
Early-Life Epigenetic Programming of Human Disease and Aging

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