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The #1 guide in otolaryngology —- valuable for board review or as a clinical refresher
KJ Lee’s Essential Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, Twelfth Edition delivers the latest information on treating conditions involving the head and neck, such as sinusitis, sensory disorders, cancer, and sleep disorders. For more than four decades, this trusted classic has been the premier national and international guide to otolaryngology. The Twelfth Edition has been thoroughly updated to bring you up to speed with today's practice of otolaryngology.
Concise and easy-to-follow, KJ Lee’s Essential Otolaryngology presents the latest clinical information designed to help you treat a wide range of conditions involving the head and neck or prep for board review. It is organized to allow for quick clinical recall and high-yield review of the field’s must-know information.
•Clinical Pearls provide the wisdom of experienced clinicians
•Quick-access bulleted text
•Board review multiple-choice questions at the end of each chapter
•Top-to-bottom coverage spans the entire discipline


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