의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Now in a greatly expanded and updated new edition: The essential pocketbook for rapid and correct differentiation and interpretation of signs and symptoms of neurological and neurosurgical diseases and conditions.
Key Features:
•Exhaustive range of neurologic and neurosurgical disease and conditions covered
•Vital information presented in short texts, high-yield lists, and concise tables, for maximum efficiency in diagnostic work-ups
•Clinical and neuroimaging findings, guidelines and classifications, summarized in readily accessible tabular form
•Statistic overviews (common vs. rare, etc.) help guide diagnostic thought processes
•Special chapters highlight epidemiology, pediatric disorders, neuroradiology
Differential Diagnosis in Neurology and Neurosurgery is ideal as a quick reference in your daily practice, or as an exam preparation guide. This wealth of easily accessed information makes it invaluable to experienced practitioners (especially ER physicians) and to novices alike.


1 Epidemiological Characteristics of Neurological Diseases
2 Neuroradiology
3 Developmental-Acquired Anomalies and Pediatric Disorders
4 Cranial Nerve Disorders
5 Neuro-Ophthalmology
6 Intracranial Tumors
7 Demyelinating Disease and Brain Atrophy
8 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke)
9 Spinal Disorders
10 Peripheral Nerve Disorders
11 Movement Disorders
12 Neurotrauma
13 Infections of the Central Nervous System
14 Pain
15 Neurorehabilitation

기타 신간의학서적과 의학도서에 관련된 문의사항은 고객센터(02-854-2738) 또는 저희 성보의학서적 홈페이지내 도서문의 게시판에 문의바랍니다.

성보의학서적 "http://www.medcore.kr"