의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

ntroduction to Public Health is a foundation, introductory text addressing the principles and practice of public health. Written from a multidisciplinary perspective, the text defines the discipline of public health, the nature and scope of public health activity and the challenges that face public health in the 21st century. Designed for undergraduate health science and nursing students, the text helps readers with their understanding of the nature and scope of public health and the challenges facing the field into the future.
Key Features
•Positions public health concepts within an Australian and New Zealand context
•Chapter case studies and examples to help illustrate key points
•Chapter reflection and review questions to assist readers with their application to practise
•Logical structure enabling those new to public health to grasp complex concepts and apply to current health practice
•New-A suite of video interviews with leading public health experts who each share a broad contextual overview of public health now and into the future
Additional resources on Evolve
eBook on VitalSource
Instructo Resources
 •Image Bank (tables and figures from the book)
•Case studies
•Video interviews
Students Resources
 •Student Quiz
-Author Information  -
 By Mary Louise Fleming, PhD, MA, BEd, Dip Teach, Public Health Consultant and Board Director. Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health and Social Work at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland. ; Elizabeth Parker, EdD, MSW, BA, Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Public Health and Social Work at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland. and Ignacio Correa-Velez, MBBS, PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Public Health and Social Work at the Queensland University of Technology. Co-CEO (Impact and Innovation), Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (QPASTT), Brisbane, Australia.


Section 1: Definitions, determinants and challenges
1. Defining health and public health
2. Public health challenges
3. Epidemiology
4. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
Section 2: Policy, ethics and evidence
5. Public health policy
6. Public health and social policy
7. Ethics and public health
8. Evidence-based practice
Section 3: Public health strategies
9. Individual and interpersonal strategies for public health
10. Communities and organisational strategies
11. Enabling environments for health
Section 4: Section 4 Contemporary issues
12. Refocusing public health: emphasising health promotion and protection
13. Contemporary practice
14. Global health
15. Disasters, emergencies and terrorism
16. Concluding remarks

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