의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Breast Cancer and Gynecological Cancer Rehabilitation, edited by Adrian Cristian, MD, MHCM, provides today’s clinicians with a concise, accessible resource covering the holistic rehabilitation of breast cancer patients. Beginning with a review of epidemiology, genetics, and pathophysiology of breast cancer, it then covers clinical assessment and treatment options before providing comprehensive coverage of rehabilitation. Containing practical information, best practices, and the latest advances and research, this book is a valuable reference for physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians and residents, as well as occupational and physical therapists.
• Provides a clear understanding of the current medical, surgical, and radiation treatments for breast cancer.
• Covers the whole spectrum of breast cancer rehabilitation, including the role of physical and occupational therapy, treatment of anxiety and depression, pain syndromes, integrative care, nutritional rehabilitation, palliative care, and more.
• Offers a timely and convenient resource written by leading experts in breast cancer and rehabilitation.


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