의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

This Encyclopedia provides a comprehensive overview of individual differences within the domain of personality, with major sub-topics including assessment and research design, taxonomy, biological factors, evolutionary evidence, motivation, cognition and emotion, as well as gender differences, cultural considerations, and personality disorders. It is an up-to-date reference for this increasingly important area and a key resource for those who study intelligence, personality, motivation, aptitude and their variations within members of a group.


Five-Factor Narcissism Inventory.-Introjected Regulation.-Parental Investment.-Personal Causation as Basic Need.-Personality and Warfare.-Security Values.-Drive Theory.-Moving Toward People.-Reality Principle.-Chinese Personality Assessment Invent

ory.-Hogan Development Survey.-Self-Report Psychopathy Scale.-Bullying.-Locus of Control.-Dark Personality Features and Employment.-Nucleus Acumbens.-Oxyin.-Trait Specificity.-Unconditional Positive Regard.-Vienna Psychoanalytic Society.

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