의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Get a solid understanding of the human body! Using simple, conversational language and vivid animations and illustrations, Structure & Function of the Body, 16th Edition introduces the normal structure and function of the human body and what the body does to maintain homeostasis. To help make difficult A&P concepts easy to understand, this new edition features thoroughly revised content and review questions which reflect the most current information available and a unique 22-page, semi-transparent insert of the human body. Plus, Connect It! boxes throughout directly correlate to online content giving you additional clinical and scientific insights essential to patient care!
-New to this Edition-

•NEW! Thoroughly revised chapters, illustrations, and review questions reflect the most current information available.
•NEW! Connect It! boxes refer you to online content providing additional clinical and scientific insights.
•NEW! A&P contributors join Dr. Patton to enhance the content and bring additional perspectives to the book.

-Key Features-

•22-page Clear View of the Human Body is a unique, full-color, semi-transparent insert depicting the human body (male and female) in layers.
•Conversational and clear writing style makes content easy to read and understand.
•Full-color design contains more than 400 drawings and photos.
•Updated study tips sections at the beginning of each chapter help break down difficult topics and guide you on how to best use book features to their advantage.
•Questions for student review are found throughout the chapters and cover critical thinking, open-ended, fill-in-the-blank, matching, multiple-choice, and other question formats.
•Special boxes such as Health and Well-Being boxes, Clinical Application boxes, Research and Trends boxes, and more help you apply what you have learned to your future career.
•Language of Science and Medicine section in each chapter includes key terms, word parts, and pronunciations to place a greater focus on medical terminology.
•Resources on the Evolve companion website include Animation Direct, audio summaries, audio glossary, a new online coloring book, review questions, and FAQs.

 -Author Information  -

 By Kevin T. Patton, PhD, Professor of Anatomy & Physiology Instruction, New York Chiropractic College, Seneca Falls, New York; Professor Emeritus of Life Sciences, St. Charles Community College, Cottleville, Missouri; Assistant Professor Emeritus of Physiology, Course Director Emeritus in Human Physiology, St. Louis University Medical School, St. Louis, Missouri, USA and Gary A. Thibodeau, PhD, Chancellor Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Biology, University of Wisconsin, River Falls, River Falls, Wisconsin, USA


1. Introduction to the Body
2. Chemistry of Life
3. Cells
4. Tissues
5. Organ Systems
6. Skin and Membranes
7. Skeletal System
8. Muscular System
9. Nervous System
10. Senses
11. Endocrine System
12. Blood
13. Cardiovascular System
14. Lymphatic System and Immunity
15. Respiratory System
16. Digestive System
17. Nutrition and Metabolism
18. Urinary System
19. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
20. Acid-Base Balance
21. Reproductive Systems
22. Growth, Development, and Aging
Appendix A: Body Mass Index
Appendix B: Common Medical Abbreviations, Prefixes, and Suffixes
Appendix C: Chapter Test Answers
Illustration/Photo Credits

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