의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

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A NEW core textbook on neuroscience with a uniquely clinical focus and hundreds of full-color illustrations
Developed by an exciting author team composed of University of California-San Francisco faculty members who are currently teaching neuroscience, this innovative new resources skillfully bridges the gap between basic and clinical science. Clinical content and numerous cases throughout the book enable readers to actually apply the principles they are learning to real-world situations.
Essentials of Modern Neuroscience includes the strong pedagogy that has proven popular in other revised LANGE basic science titles, including chapter opening Learning Objectives, bulleted chapter Summaries, cases, and application boxes. Chapters are intentionally succinct, making them more manageable to student readers. The text is bolstered by nearly 500 rich full-color images that clearly depict the content being discussed in the chapter. The Table of Contents and organization mirrors the way most medical schools teach the subject, and contents include unique chapters on Addiction, Affective Disorders, and Neurologic Diseases.


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성보의학서적 "http://www.medcore.kr