의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

This book provides a comprehensive overview of secondary hypertension for clinicians, including cardiologists as well as primary training physicians and general practitioners.
A large number of patients suffer from high blood pressure, and it was previously thought that secondary hypertension accounted for 10% of all cases. However, according to new studies, the proportion of secondary hypertension is much higher than this. While hypertensive patients are usually treated in the cardiovascular department, secondary hypertension involves diseases in various fields, such as renal, endocrinological, immunological and urological diseases. This book allows readers to gain a thorough understanding of the screening, diagnosis and treatment of secondary hypertension.
It first discusses screening strategies for secondary hypertension, including clinical manifestations, general tests and special tests. It then addresses specific aspects of hypertension related to other diseases, like renal parenchymal diseases; transplantation; congenital diseases;  endocrine, neurogenic and psychosocial disorders;  vascular conditions;  sleep apnoea syndrome, connective tissue disease and metabolic-associated hypertension. Lastly, it covers secondary hypertension related to rare heredity conditions. 

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성보의학서적 "http://www.medcore.kr