의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

This textbook focuses on the vascular biology and physiology that underlie vascular disorders in clinical medicine. Vascular biomedicine is a rapidly growing field as new molecular mechanisms of vascular health and disease are unraveled. Many of the major cardiovascular diseases including coronary artery disease, heart failure, stroke and vascular dementia are  diseases of the vasculature. In addition vascular injury underpins conditions like kidney failure and cardiovascular complications of diabetes. This field is truly multidisciplinary involving scientists in many domains such as molecular and vascular biology, cardiovascular physiology and pharmacology and immunology and inflammation. Clinically, specialists across multiple disciplines are involved in the management of patients with vascular disorders, including cardiologists, nephrologists, endocrinologists, neurologists and vascular surgeons.
This book covers a wide range of topics and provides  an overview of the discipline of vascular biomedicine without aiming at in-depth reviews, but rather offering up-to-date knowledge  organized  in concise and structured chapters, with key points and pertinent references.  The structure of the content provides an integrative and translational approach from basic science (e.g. stem cells) to clinical medicine (e.g. cardiovascular disease).
The content of this book is targeted to those who are new in the field of vascular biology and vascular medicine and is ideal for medical students, graduate and postgraduate students, clinical fellows  and academic clinicians with an interest in the vascular biology and physiology of cardiovascular disease and related pathologies.

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성보의학서적 "http://www.medcore.kr