의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

For more than seventy-five years, Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy has maintained a tradition of excellence while continually adapting to meet the needs of each generation of students. The updated fifteenth edition is a visually stunning reference that delivers the accuracy, pedagogy, and clinical relevance expected of this classic atlas, with new and enhanced features that make it even more practical and user-friendly.
 Illustrations drawn from real specimens, presented in surface-to-deep dissection sequence, set Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy apart as the most accurate reference available for learning human anatomy. These realistic representations bring structures to life and provide students with the ultimate lab resource.
• NEW Illustration overviews highlight the autonomic nerves to clarify nerve and muscle innervations.
• NEW and updated images reflect the latest clinical insights through:
• 15 NEW Illustrations
• 160 revised figures
• NEW and updated surface anatomy images
• NEW pulses photos
• Renowned, high-resolution, dynamically colored illustrations organized in dissection sequence enable the formation of 3-D constructs for each body region and provide detailed, realistic reference during dissection.
• Tables detail muscles, vessels, and other anatomic information in an easy-to-use format ideal for review and study.
• Enhanced medical imaging includes more than 100 clinically significant MRIs, CT images, ultrasound scans, and corresponding orientation drawings to help students confidently apply the laboratory experience to clinical rotations.
• Color schematic illustrations reinforce the relationships of structures and anatomical concepts in vibrant detail.

- Table of Contents -

Pectoral Region 88

Axilla, Axillary Vessels, and Brachial Plexus 95

Scapular Region and Super? cial Back 106

Arm and Rotator Cuff 110

Joints of Shoulder Region 124

Elbow Region 132

Elbow Joint 138

Anterior Forearm 144

Anterior Wrist and Palm of Hand 152

Posterior Forearm 168

Posterior Wrist and Dorsum of Hand 171

Lateral Wrist and Hand 176

Medial Wrist and Hand 179

Bones and Joints of Wrist and Hand 180

Function of Hand: Grips and Pinches 186

Imaging and Sectional Anatomy 187


BACK ............................................................... 1

Overview of Vertebral Column 2

Cervical Spine 8

Craniovertebral Joints 12

Thoracic Spine 14

Lumbar Spine 16

Ligaments and Intervertebral Discs 18

Bones, Joints, and Ligaments of Pelvic Girdle 23

Anomalies of Vertebrae 29

Surface Anatomy of Back 30

Muscles of Back 33

Suboccipital Region 42

Spinal Cord and Meninges 44

Vertebral Venous Plexuses 52

Components of Spinal Nerves 53

Dermatomes and Myotomes 56

Autonomic Nerves 58

Imaging of Vertebral Column 62


UPPER LIMB ................................................... 65

Systemic Overview of Upper Limb: Bones 66

Systemic Overview of Upper Limb: Nerves 72

Systemic Overview of Upper Limb: Arteries 80

Systemic Overview of Upper Limb: Veins and Lymphatics 82

Systemic Overview of Upper Limb: Musculofascial

Compartments 86xii Contents


THORAX ...................................................... 193

Pectoral Region 194

Breast 196

Bony Thorax and Joints 204

Thoracic Wall 211

Thoracic Contents 219

Pleural Cavities 222

Mediastinum 223

Lungs and Pleura 224

Bronchi and Bronchopulmonary Segments 230

Innervation and Lymphatic Drainage of Lungs 236

External Heart 238

Coronary Vessels 250

Conduction System of Heart 254

Internal Heart and Valves 255

Superior Mediastinum and Great Vessels 262

Diaphragm 269

Posterior Thorax 270

Overview of Autonomic Innervation 280

Overview of Lymphatic Drainage of Thorax 282

Sectional Anatomy and Imaging 284

Dr. John Charles Boileau Grant vi

Reviewers vii

Preface viii

Recoloring Grant’s Atlas ix

Acknowledgments x

List of Tables xiv

Figure and Table Credits xvi

References xix


ABDOMEN .................................................. 291

Overview 292

Anterolateral Abdominal Wall 294

Inguinal Region 304

Testis 314

Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity 316

Digestive System 326

Stomach 327

Pancreas, Duodenum, and Spleen 330

Intestines 334

Liver and Gallbladder 344

Biliary Ducts 354

Portal Venous System 358

Posterior Abdominal Viscera 360

Kidneys 363

Posterolateral Abdominal Wall 367

Diaphragm 372

Abdominal Aorta and Inferior Vena Cava 373

Autonomic Innervation 374

Lymphatic Drainage 380

Sectional Anatomy and Imaging 384


PELVIS AND PERINEUM ................................ 391

Pelvic Girdle 392

Ligaments of Pelvic Girdle 399

Floor and Walls of Pelvis 400

Sacral and Coccygeal Plexuses 404

Peritoneal Re? ections in Pelvis 406

Rectum and Anal Canal 408

Organs of Male Pelvis 414

Vessels of Male Pelvis 420

Lymphatic Drainage of Male Pelvis and Perineum 422

Innervation of Male Pelvic Organs 424

Organs of Female Pelvis 426

Vessels of Female Pelvis 436

Lymphatic Drainage of Female Pelvis and Perineum 438

Innervation of Female Pelvic Organs 440

Subperitoneal Region of Pelvis 444

Surface Anatomy of Perineum 446

Overview of Male and Female Perineum 448

Male Perineum 453

Imaging of Male Pelvis and Perineum 460

Female Perineum 462

Imaging of Female Pelvis and Perineum 468

Pelvic Angiography 470


LOWER LIMB ............................................... 471

Systemic Overview of Lower Limb: Bones 472

Systemic Overview of Lower Limb: Nerves 476

Systemic Overview of Lower Limb: Blood Vessels 484

Systemic Overview of Lower Limb: Lymphatics 488

Systemic Overview of Lower Limb: Musculofascial

Compartments 490

Retro-inguinal Passage and Femoral Triangle 492

Anterior and Medial Compartments of Thigh 496

Lateral Thigh 503

Bones and Muscle Attachments of Thigh 504

Gluteal Region and Posterior Compartment of Thigh 506

Hip Joint 516

Knee Region 522

Knee Joint 528

Anterior and Lateral Compartments of Leg,

Dorsum of Foot 542

Posterior Compartment of Leg 552

Tibio? bular Joints 562

Sole of Foot 563

Ankle, Subtalar, and Foot Joints 568

Imaging and Sectional Anatomy 581


HEAD ........................................................... 585

Cranium 586

Face and Scalp 606

Meninges and Meningeal Spaces 615

Cranial Base and Cranial Nerves 620

Blood Supply of Brain 626

Orbit and Eyeball 630

Parotid Region 642

Temporal Region and Infratemporal Fossa 644

Temporomandibular Joint 652

Tongue 656

Palate 662

Teeth 665

Nose, Paranasal Sinuses, and Pterygopalatine Fossa 670

Ear 683

Lymphatic Drainage of Head 696

Autonomic Innervation of Head 697

Imaging of Head 698

Neuroanatomy: Overview and Ventricular System 702

Telencephalon (Cerebrum) and Diencephalon 705

Brainstem and Cerebellum 714

Imaging of Brain 720Contents xiii


NECK ........................................................... 725

Subcutaneous Structures and Cervical Fascia 726

Skeleton of Neck 730

Regions of Neck 732

Lateral Region (Posterior Triangle) of Neck 734

Anterior Region (Anterior Triangle) of Neck 738

Neurovascular Structures of Neck 742

Visceral Compartment of Neck 748

Root and Prevertebral Region of Neck 752

Submandibular Region and Floor of Mouth 758

Pharynx 762

Isthmus of Fauces 768

Larynx 774

Sectional Anatomy and Imaging of Neck 782


CRANIAL NERVES ......................................... 787

Overview of Cranial Nerves 788

Cranial Nerve Nuclei 792

Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory 794

Cranial Nerve II: Optic 795

Cranial Nerves III, IV, and VI: Oculomotor, Trochlear,

and Abducent 797

Cranial Nerve V: Trigeminal 800

Cranial Nerve VII: Facial 806

Cranial Nerve VIII: Vestibulocochlear 808

Cranial Nerve IX: Glossopharyngeal 810

Cranial Nerve X: Vagus 812

Cranial Nerve XI: Spinal Accessory 814

Cranial Nerve XII: Hypoglossal 815

Summary of Autonomic Ganglia of Head 816

Summary of Cranial Nerve Lesions 817

Imaging of Cranial Nerves 818

Index 821

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