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The definitive guide to treating neurologic and psychiatric disorders with drugs and other approaches

Fully updated with the latest research and drugs, Nestler, Hyman, & Malenka’s Molecular Neuropharmacology, Fourth Edition, is the leading guide to molecular neuroscience. Providing an in-depth look at the neuropharmacological fundamentals of the nervous system, it delivers the knowledge and insight you need to master the pathophysiology of neurologic and psychiatric disorders.

Complete with tables, diagrams, and figures clearly illustrating the intricacies of neurochemistry and molecular neuroscience, this peerless guide reviews the effects of drug action (organized by drug category) to enhance your understanding of major disease mechanisms, and it explains the pathophysiology and neuropharmacology of all major neurologic and psychiatric disorders. Concise overviews of the effects of drugs and other treatment approaches are presented in a way that boosts your understanding and retention of critical concepts.

Nestler, Hyman, & Malenka’s Molecular Neuropharmacology provides a deep dive into:

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