의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

The quintessential visual guide to facial aesthetic enhancement and dermal filler injection techniques from top experts

In-depth and detailed knowledge of anatomy, different facial shapes, and ethnic origins is essential to delivering safe, effective, natural, and harmonious aesthetic facial treatment results. Dermal Fillers: Facial Anatomy and Injection Techniques is the culmination of many years of expertise decrypting facial anatomy as it applies to aesthetic enhancement of the face. This visually rich atlas is authored by internationally renowned Brazilian dermatologists André Braz, an esteemed expert in the use of botulinum toxin, fillers, and lasers; and Thais Sakuma, a distinguished lecturer in the application of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid fillers.

Nineteen highly practical, concise, and didactic chapters are organized consistently with structured text at the beginning of each chapter. The book encompasses the application of injection techniques for the full spectrum of indications, from softening wrinkles to facial contouring. Important topics include facial assessment, hyaluronic acid science, facial aging, and regional nerve blocks for pain management. Meticulous anatomic descriptions and images depict the relationships between superficial and deeper structures such as vasculature, thereby providing vital knowledge to help clinicians avoid potentially serious complications.

Key Features:

This is the ultimate resource for all dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and non–core practitioners who wish to expand their practices to offer complex facial cosmetic injection techniques and achieve optimal patient outcomes.


1. Facial Assessment
2. Anatomy of the Face
3. Biophysical Properties of Hyaluronic Acid
4. Anatomy of the Aging Process
5. Anesthetic Block
6. Filler Injection of the Temporal Region
7. Filler Injection of the Eyebrows
8. Filler Injection of the Forehead
9. Filler Injection of the Glabella
10. Filler Injection of the Malar and Zygomatic Regions
11. Filler Injection of the Nasojugal Groove and Palpebromalar Groove
12. Filler Injection of the Nasolabial Fold
13. Filler Injection of the Submalar Triangle
14. Filler Injection of the Nose
15. Filler Injection of the Preauricular Region and the Earlobe
16. Filler Injection of the Lips, Oral Commissure, and Mentolabial Sulcus
17. Filler Injection of the Chin and Mandible Contour
18. Complications and Adverse Effects
19. Risk Areas

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