의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Over the past 30 years high-resolution CT (HRCT) has matured to become an integral part of the multidisciplinary evaluation in diffuse lung disease. In this regard, Webb, Muller and Naidich’s High-Resolution CT of the Lung, 6th Edition, is a ‘gold standard’ reference that aims to keep radiologists and pulmonologists alike at the cutting edge of the ever-evolving field of thoracic imaging. The new US-European author team continues the tradition of excellence which readers have come to expect while the underlying layout and ethos — established by the ‘founding’ author team — remain. The new edition aims to brings readers up to date not only with recent advances but also with the important conceptual changes in thinking in various fields of thoracic imaging. Also featured in this updated edition is authoritative guidance on HRCT findings and differential diagnosis, as well as the characteristics of the common lung diseases assessed using HRCT, all enhanced by a multitude of new images and updated content throughout. 

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