의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is one of the most common and most challenging skin conditions, for patients and practitioners alike. Uniquely organized by intrinsic and extrinsic etiologies, Atopic Dermatitis: Inside Out or Outside In? examines a myriad of causes that start from both the inside of the body and from the external environment, offering physicians practical ways to design treatments that specifically address these causes. Drs. Lawrence S. Chan and Vivian Y. Shi, along with a team of expert contributing authors, examine the etiology of this complex disorder and provide targeted, comprehensive solutions and the most useful therapeutic plans based on pathophysiology, including evidence-based integrative management.

1 Historic Perspective
2 Atopy Redefined
3 Atopy of the Skin
4 Epidemiology
5 Skin Barrier
6 Skin and Gut Microbiome
7 Immunogens
8 Nutrition
9 Oxidative Stress, Environmental factors, Pollutants
10 Clinical Evidence: External Factors
11 Keratinocytes
12 Microvasculature
13 Humoral Factors
14 Cellular Factors
15 Skin-Gut-Lung Epithelial Permeability
16 Neurosensory Mechanisms
17 Epigenetics
18 Clinical Evidence: Internal Factors
19 Therapeutic Guideline Overview
20 Topical Therapies
21 Wound care
22 Skin barrier Repair
23 Emerging Targeted Treatments
24 Microbiome Modulation
25 Itch and Pain Treatments
26 Complementary and Alternative Approaches 1
27 Complementary and Alternative Approaches 2
 End Matter

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