의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

A must-have reference for both beginning and experienced endosonographers, Endosonography, 5th Edition, coves the full spectrum of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) in a single, convenient resource. Concise, easy-to-navigate chapters keep you abreast of changes in this dynamic field, and nearly 150 procedural videos reinforce techniques of common, clinically relevant procedures. Covering both standard and newer techniques, this authoritative reference covers everything you need to know—from basic applications to advanced interventions.

Key Features

Guides you step by step through both introductory and advanced techniques, covering everything from interpretation and accurate diagnosis to treatment recommendations.  

Employs a user-friendly, templated format to cover all topics from basic applications to advanced interventions, with procedures organized by body system.

Includes a new chapter on Endo-Hepatology, and an increased focus on using EUS for interventions.

Features 20 new procedural videos covering topics such as esophageal and gastric cancer; mediastinal lesions and lung cancer; pancreatic tumors; and bile duct, gallbladder, and ampullary lesions.

Covers recent improvements and new applications in guided fine-needle EUS for diagnosis and cancer staging.

Features high-quality images with correlative illustrations, diagnostic algorithms, examination checklists, and key points boxes throughout.

Provides nearly 150 how-to-videos of both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed by expert endosonographers that demonstrate effective techniques and the proper use of equipment.

Provides practical information on establishing an endoscopic practice, from what equipment to buy to effective cytopathology services.

An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.

Author Information

Edited by Shyam Varadarajulu, MD, President of Digestive Health Institute at Orlando Health and Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Central Florida. ; Paul Fockens, MD, PhD, Professor and Chairman, University of Amsterdam Academic Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Robert H. Hawes, MD, Medical Director, Center for Advanced Endoscopy, Research and Education, Orlando Health Digestive Health Institute and Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Central Florida.

-도서목차 -

Section 1. Basics of EUS

1. Principles of Ultrasound

2. Equipment

3. Training and Simulators

4. Indications, Preparation, and Adverse Effects

5. New Techniques in EUS: Real-Time Elastography, Contrast-Enhanced EUS, and Fusion Imaging

Section 2. Mediastinum

6. How to Perform EUS in the Esophagus and Mediastinum

7. EUS(B) and EBUS in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

8. EUS in Esophageal and Gastric Cancer

9. EUS in the Evaluation of Posterior Mediastinal Lesions

Section 3. Stomach

10. How to Perform EUS in the Stomach

11. Subepithelial Lesions

Section 4. Pancreas and Biliary Tree

12. How to Perform EUS in the Pancreas, Bile Duct, and Liver

13. EUS in Inflammatory Disease of the Pancreas

14. EUS and Pancreatic Tumors

15. EUS in the Evaluation Pancreatic Cysts

16. EUS in Bile Duct, Gallbladder, and Ampullary Lesions

Section 5. Anorectum

17. How to Perform Anorectal EUS

18. EUS in Rectal Cancer

19. Evaluation of the Anal Sphincter by Anal EUS

Section 6. EUS-Guided Tissue Acquisition

20. How to Perform EUS-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration

21. Techniques for EUS-Guided Fine-Needle Biopsy

22. Cytology Primer for Endosonographers

23. EUS-Guided Drainage of Pancreatic Fluid Collections

24. EUS-Guided Drainage of the Biliary-Pancreatic Ductal Systems and Gallbladder

25. EUS-Guided Ablation Therapy and Celiac Plexus Interventions

26. EUS-Guided Anastomosis, Drainage of Abdominal-Pelvic Fluid Collections, and Vascular Interventions

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