의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Highly illustrated and conveniently templated for quick reference, Atlas of Liver Pathology, 4th Edition, is a useful Atlas and text for every practicing pathologist or trainee who assesses liver biopsy specimens. From cover to cover, it contains all the information needed to identify histologic features and correlate them with clinical findings, offering a clearer understanding of the clinical implications of the disease as it relates to treatment. More than 1,200 high-quality, full-color images and illustrations provide you with a complete visual guide to the vast majority of liver diseases and assist in the diagnoses of biopsy and resected liver specimens.

Key Features

Provides clear, templated information for each disease: Major Morphologic Features; Special Stains; Differential Diagnoses; Clinical and Biologic Behavior; and Treatment and Prognosis.
Incorporates relevant data from ancillary techniques (immunohistochemistry, cytology, cytogenetics and molecular genetics), giving you the necessary tools required to master the latest breakthroughs in diagnostic technology.
Incorporates the latest diagnostic biomarkers and their utility in differential diagnoses, newly described variants, and new histologic entities.
Contains two new chapters on liver biopsy interpretation and autoimmune hepatitis.
Features concise, bulleted text and abundant tables that cover common as well as rare diseases, differential diagnoses, and more.
An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, tables, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.


1 Liver: Embryology, gross and microscopic anatomy and function
2 Liver biopsy evaluation
2 Liver: Embryology, gross and microscopic anatomy and function
3 Viral Hepatitis
3 Liver biopsy evaluation
4 Cholestasis and Biliary Tract Disorders
5 Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases
6 Drug-Induced and Toxic Liver Cell Injury
7 Vascular Disorders
8 Infectious Disorders, Non-Viral
9 Autoimmune hepatitis
10 Developmental, Familial, and Metabolic Disorders
11 Diseases of Hepatic Iron and Copper Metabolism
12 Neoplasms and Related Lesions
13 Transplantation
14 Miscellaneous Conditions
15 Viral Hepatitis
15 Cholestasis and Biliary Tract Disorders
15 Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases
15 Drug-Induced and Toxic Liver Cell Injury
15 Vascular Disorders
15 Infectious Disorders, Non-Viral
15 .Autoimmune hepatitis
15 Developmental, Familial, and Metabolic Disorders
15 Diseases of Hepatic Iron and Copper Metabolism
15 Neoplasms and Related Lesions
15 Transplantation
15 Miscellaneous Conditions

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