의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Master clinical lab testing skills with the condensed version of the Tietz Textbook! Designed for use by CLS students, Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 9th Edition provides a streamlined guide to the clinical chemistry knowledge you need to work in a real-world, clinical lab. Coverage ranges from laboratory principles to analytical techniques and instrumentation, analytes, pathophysiology, and more. New content keeps you current with the latest developments in molecular diagnostics. From highly respected clinical chemistry educator Nader Rifai, this textbook shows how to select and perform diagnostic lab tests, and how to accurately evaluate results.
Coverage of analytical techniques and instrumentation includes optical techniques, electrochemistry, electrophoresis, chromatography, mass spectrometry, enzymology, immunochemical techniques, microchips, automation, and point of care testing.
Authoritative, foundational content mirrors that in the Tietz "bible" of laboratory medicine but in a more concise way.
Updated chapters on molecular diagnostics cover the principles of molecular biology, nucleic acid techniques and applications, and genomes and nucleic acid alterations, reflecting the changes in this rapidly evolving field.
Clinical cases from the Coakley Collection demonstrate how concepts from the text are applied in real-life scenarios.
More than 400 illustrations and easy-to-read summary tables help you better understand and remember key concepts.
Learning objectives, key words with definitions, and review questions are included in each chapter to make learning easier.
NEW! Updated content throughout the text keeps you up to date on the latest techniques, instrumentation, and technologies.
NEW! Additional questions are added to each chapter for subject reinforcement.
NEW! Access to Adaptive Learning courses in clinical chemistry and molecular diagnostics is provided on the Evolve website.


PART I: PRINCIPLES OF LABORATORY MEDICINE 1. Clinical Chemistry, Molecular Diagnostics, and Laboratory Medicine 2. Analytical and Clinical Evaluation of Methods 3. Preanalytical Variation 4. Biological Variation 5. Establishment and Use of Reference Values 6. Specimen Collection, Processing, and Other Preanalytical Variables 7. Quality Management 8. Principles of Basic Techniques and Laboratory Safety
PART II: ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENTATION 9. Optical Techniques  10. Electrochemistry and Chemical Sensors 11. Electrophoresis 12. Chromatography  13. Mass Spectrometry  14. Enzyme and Rate Analyses  15. Immunochemical Techniques  16. Automation 17. Point-of-Care Testing

PART III:  ANALYTES 18. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins 19. Serum Enzymes 20. Tumor Markers 21. Kidney Function Tests - Creatinine, GFR, Urea, and Uric Acid 22. Carbohydrates 23. Lipids, Lipoproteins, Apolipoproteins, and Other Cardiac Risk Factors 24. Electrolytes and Blood Gases 25. Hormones 26. Catecholamines and Serotonin 27. Vitaminsand Trace Elements, 28. Hemoglobin, Iron, and Bilirubin 29. Porphyrins and Porphyrias  30. Therapeutic Drug  Monitoring 31. Clinical Toxicology  32. ToxicElements

PART IV:  PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 33. Diabetes Mellitus 34. Cardiovascular Disease 35. Kidney Disease  36. Physiology and Disorders of Water, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Metabolism 37. Liver Disease  38. Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Diseases   39. Disorders of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 40. Disorders of the Pituitary Gland 41. Disorders of the Adrenal Cortex  42. Thyroid Disorders 43. Reproduction-Related Disorders  44. Pregnancy and Prenatal Testing  45. Newborn Screening and Inborn Errors of Metabolism 46. Pharmacogenetics

PART V:  MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS   47. Molecular Principles 48. Molecular Techniques 49. Molecular Applications

Appendix Reference Information for the Clinical Laboratory

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