의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Minimally invasive, office-based aesthetic surgeries are performed millions of times per year all across the globe. In this highly visual, practical reference, Dr. Donald W. Buck II and a team of expert contributing authors bring you fully up to date with today’s most sought-after procedures. Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Surgery is a must-have reference for plastic and aesthetic surgeons, both in practice and in training, who currently have or want to establish a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure practice.

Key Features

Offers authoritative guidance on the minimally invasive procedures you are most likely to perform, including chemodenervation, vaginal rejuvenation, soft tissue filler and Botox, non-invasive liposculpting, laser hair removal and vein ablation, hair transplantation, and more.
Includes practical chapters on how to establish a minimally-invasive aesthetic procedure practice and the basics of skincare.
Provides fundamental information such as product descriptions and background, the science behind the technology, indications for procedures, and contraindications.
Contains technical, “how-to” pearls from key aesthetic opinion leaders worldwide, including tips on post-procedural care, outcomes, and managing complications.
Features procedural videos of chemical peels, laser hair removal and laser vein ablation, redraping and setting sutures, treatment of suprapatellar wrinkled skin under local infiltration anesthesia, and more.

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