의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간도서입니다.

'This classic well-illustrated textbook simplifies neuroscience content to focus coverage on the essentials and helps students learn important neuroanatomical facts and definitions. Among its many distinctions are its organization by region and then pathways into and out of the nervous system, which permits students an integrated view of the anatomy and physiology; level of treatment suited to increasingly shorter neuroanatomy course hours for medical and allied health students; and the author's succinct writing style.

기타 도서와 관련된 문의사항은 고객센터(02-854-2738) 또는 저희 성보의학서적 홈페이지내 도서문의 게시판에 문의바랍니다.
성보의학서적 "http://www.medcore.kr