의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Understand oral histology and learn to apply your knowledge in the clinical setting with this definitive reference. Updated and enhanced, it provides insight on contemporary research and trends in oral histology, embryology, physiology, oral biology, and postnatal growth and development essential to your success in dentistry!
Topics for Consideration boxes present expert perspectives on current trends and encourage additional research.
Content outlines provide quick reference to specific topics within chapters.
Logical organization enhances your understanding of chapter content and helps you review more effectively.
Up-to-date recommended readings direct you to additional sources of relevant information.
Concise, user-friendly writing style makes complex concepts easier to grasp.
Companion CD includes over 300 multiple choice questions and over 100 labeling exercises that help you assess your comprehension and prepare for Part I of the board exam.
Hundreds of full-color illustrations visually acquaint you with the oral structures and microscopic anatomy you'll encounter in dental care.
Electronic image collection included on the companion CD is now in full-color, giving you clear, vibrant visual references for convenient study and review.


1. Structure of the Oral Tissues
2. General Embryology
3. Embryology of the Head, Face, and Oral Cavity
4. Cytoskeleton, Cell Junctions, Fibroblasts, and Extracellular Matrixes
5. Development of the Tooth and Its Supporting Tissues
6. Bone
7. Enamel: Composition, Formation, and Structure
8. Dentin-Pulp Complex
9. Periodontium
10. Physiologic Tooth Movement: Eruption and Shedding
11. Salivary Glands
12. Oral Mucosa
13. Temporomandibular Joint
14. Facial growth and development
15. Repair and Regeneration of Oral Tissues

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