의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

Aminoff’s Neurology and General Medicine, Sixth Edition is the standard and classic reference providing comprehensive coverage of the relationship between neurologic practice and general medicine. As neurologists are asked to consult on general medical conditions, this reference provides an authoritative tool linking general medical conditions to specific neurologic issues and disorders. This is also a valuable tool for the general practitioner seeking to understand the neurologic aspects of their medical practice.
Completely revised with new chapters covering neurologic complications of immunotherapies, headache and general medical disorders, back and neck pain in general medical disorders, swallowing and speech disorders, and neurological changes in the elderly, this new edition will again be the go-to reference for both neurologists and general practitioners.


Section I: Respiratory and Cardiovascular Disorders

1. Breathing and the Nervous System;
2. Neurologic Complications of Aortic Disease and Surgery;
3. Neurologic Complications of Cardiac Surgery;
4. Neurologic Complications of Congenital Heart Disease and Cardiac Surgery in Children;
5. Neurologic Manifestations of Acquired Cardiac Disease, Arrhythmias, and Interventional Cardiology;
6. Neurologic Manifestations of Infective Endocarditis;
7. Neurologic Complications of Hypertension;
8. Postural Hypotension and Syncope;
9. Neurologic Complications of Cardiac Arrest;
10. Cardiac Manifestations of Acute Neurologic Lesions;
11. Stroke as a Complication of General Medical Disorders

Section II: Gastrointestinal Tract and Related Disorders

12. Hepatic and Pancreatic Encephalopathy;
13. Other Neurologic Disorders Associated with Gastrointestinal Disease;
14. Disturbances of Gastrointestinal Motility and the Nervous System;
15. Neurologic Manifestations of Nutritional Disorders;
16. Neurologic Dysfunction and Kidney Disease;
17. Neurologic Complications of Electrolyte Disturbances

Section IV: Endocrine Disorders

18. Thyroid Disease and the Nervous System;
19. Diabetes and the Nervous System;
20. Sex Hormone, Pituitary, Parathyroid, and Adrenal Disorders and the Nervous System

Section V: Cutaneous Disorders

21. The Skin and Neurologic Disease

Section VI: Bone and Joint Disease

22. Neurologic Disorders Associated with Bone and Joint Disease

Section VII: Ears, Eyes, and Related Systems

23. Otoneurologic Manifestations of Otologic and Systemic Disease;
24. Neuro-ophthalmology in Medicine

Section VIII: Hematologic and Neoplastic Disease

25. Neurologic Manifestations of Hematologic Disorders;
26. Metastatic Disease and the Nervous System;
27. Paraneoplastic Syndromes Involving the Nervous System

Section IX: Genitourinary System and Pregnancy

29. Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction and the Nervous System;
30. Sexual Dysfunction in Patients with Neurologic Disorders;
31. Pregnancy and Disorders of the Nervous System

Section X: Toxic, Environmental, and Traumatic Disorders

32. Drug-Induced Disorders of the Nervous System;
33. Alcohol and the Nervous System;
34. Neurologic Complications of Recreational Drugs;
35. Neurotoxin Exposure in the Workplace;
37. Abnormalities of Thermal Regulation and the Nervous System;
38. Postconcussion Syndrome

Section XI: Infectious, Inflammatory, and Immunologic Disorders

39. Acute Bacterial Infections of the Central Nervous System;
40. Spirochetal Infections of the Nervous System;
41. Tuberculosis of the Central Nervous System;
42. Neurologic Complications of Leprosy;
43. Nervous System Complications of Systemic Viral Infections;
44. HIV and other Retroviral Infections of the Nervous System;
45. Neurologic Complications of Organ Transplantation and Immunosuppressive Agents;
46. Fungal Infections of the Central Nervous System;
47. Parasitic Infections of the Central Nervous System;
48. Neurologic Complications of Vaccination;
49. Sarcoidosis of the Nervous System;
50. Connective Tissue Diseases, Vasculitis, and the Nervous System

Section XII: Sleep and Its Disorders 

51. Neurologic Aspects of Sleep Medicine

Section XIII: Psychogenic Disorders

52. Functional Neurologic Symptom Disorders

Section XIV: Imaging and Perioperative Care

53. Neurologic Complications of Imaging Procedures;
54. Preoperative and Postoperative Care of Patients with Neurologic Disorders;
55. Neurologic Disorders and Anesthesia

Section XV: Critical Illness and General Medical Disorders

56. Neurologic Complications in Critically Ill Patients;
57. Seizures and General Medical Disorders;
58. Movement Disorders Associated with General Medical Diseases;
59. Neuromuscular Complications of General Medical Disorders;
60. Disorders of Consciousness in Systemic Diseases;
61. Dementia and Systemic Disease

Section XVI: Palliative Care 62. Care at the End of Life

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