의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

This book presents state of the art knowledge on dyslipidemia in stroke, covering both basic and clinical aspects in detail. The focus is in particular on two major themes: the clinical significance of dyslipidemia in stroke and the treatment of dyslipidemia in stroke patients. Readers will find up-to-date information on lipid metabolism, biomarkers, and advances in treatment options, including novel biologic drugs. Specific management considerations and pitfalls are also discussed. The individual components of pathophysiology, treatment, and key issues are addressed with the aid of complementary illustrations that facilitate understanding of practical aspects and enable the reader to retrieve fundamental information quickly. This book is timely in bringing together within one volume the most important current knowledge on dyslipidemia in stroke. It will be invaluable for stroke physicians, pharmacists, and students seeking to acquire up-to-date knowledge.


Part I. Basic Science: Dyslipidemia and Stroke

1. Role of Dyslipidemia in Atherosclerosis
2. Effects of Dyslipidemia on the Cerebral vessels

Part II. Clinical Significance of Dyslipidemia in Stroke

3. Impact of Dyslipidemia on Ischemic Stroke
4. Dyslipidemia and Hemorrhagic Stroke
5. Clinical biomarkers of Dyslipidemia

Part III. Treatment of Dyslipidemia in Stroke Patients

6. Therapeutic Lifestyle Modification
7. Statins
8. Ezetimibe
9. Fibrate and Niacin
10. Fish Oils
11. PSK9 inhibiting monoclonal antibodies
12. PCSK9 inhibiting siRNA
13. Understanding of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Dyslipidemia

Part Ⅳ. Management of Dyslipidemia in Clinical Practice of Stroke

14. Practical Management of Dyslipidemia in Stroke Patients
15. Practical Dyslipidemia Management in Stroke-specific Situations
16. Dyslipidemia in Women: Etiology and Management
17. Safety Considerations of Pharmacological Treatment

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성보의학서적 "http://www.medcore.kr