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Ethnic Dermatology: Principles and Practice

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의학서적전문 온라인서점 "성보의학서적"의 신간도서입니다.

 Richly pigmented skin is the most common skin type internationally    

Historically, dermatology has focused on white skin. But rich pigmentation can lead to differences in presentation, disease course and outcome, and reaction to treatment. Some dermatologic conditions are seen predominantly or only in richly pigmented skin.

Ethnic Dermatology: Principles and Practice provides a practical approach to the dermatology of non-white skin. Written from a global perspective to include Asian, African-Caribbean and North African skin types, it covers all the bases of dermatology including:

  • Grading scales in dermatologic disease
  • Pediatric dermatology
  • Dermatology and systemic disease
  • Drug eruptions
  • Hair and scalp disorders
  • Cosmetic dermatology

With a central focus on practical action from an international cast of authors, Ethnic Dermatology: Principles and Practice gives you the clinical tools you need when skin colour matters. 

목  차 

Chapter 1 Defining Ethnic Dermatology: Challenges, Limitations and Merits
Ophelia E. Dadzie 
Chapter 2 Skin Semiology and Grading Scales in Patients with Richly Pigmented Skin
Antoine Petit and Ameet Tailor

Chapter 3 Common Skin Conditions and Ethnicity
Antoine Petit and Moussa Diallo

Chapter 4 Paediatric Dermatology and the Ethnic Patient
Patricia A. Treadwell

Chapter 5 Cutaneous Manifestations of Systemic Diseases
Mahreen Ameen and Fatimata Ly

Chapter 6 Drug Reactions and the Ethnic Patient
Jean-Claude Roujeau

Chapter 7 Photodermatoses and Phototherapy in the Ethnic Patient
Richard H. Huggins and Henry W. Lim

Chapter 8 HIV-related Skin Diseases
Mahreen Ameen  and Antoine Mahé

Chapter 9 Benign Skin Tumours and Cysts in the Ethnic Patient
Nita Agar and Dupe Odunsi

Chapter 10 Malignant Skin Tumours and the Ethnic Patient
Nita Agar, Bridget  Ogawa  and Jean-Jacques Morand

Chapter 11  Treatment of Keloids and Scars
Martha H. Viera, Alejandra C. Vivas and Brian Berman

Chapter 12 Vitiligo: Clinical Presentation and Management
Fatima Al-Faresi , Viktoria Eleftheriadou, Sanjeev V. Mulekar  and Hassan Galdari

Chapter 13 Other Causes of Hypopigmentation – What not to Miss
Ousmane Faye

Chapter 14 Facial Hyperpigmentation – A Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Management
Camille Fitoussi

Chapter 15 Hair and Scalp Disorders in Women of African Descent
Ophelia E. Dadzie and Nonhlanhla P. Khumalo

Chapter 16 Dermatologic Disorders in Men of African Descent
F.N. Quarles, Marcelyn Coley and Andrew F. Alexis

Chapter 17 Hair Transplantation in People of African Descent
Jack Smadja

Chapter 18 Lasers and the Ethnic Patient
Heather Woolery-Lloyd and Kristian Figueras

Chapter 19 Cosmetic Dermatology in Ethnic Skin
Leila Ferguson, Anthony Rossi, Hassan I. Galadari and Andrew F. Alexis

Chapter 20 The Cosmetic Use of Skin Lightening Products
Antoine Mahé

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상품 상세 정보
도서명 Ethnic Dermatology: Principles and Practice
정   가 275,000원
판매가 261,250원
적립금 7,830원 (3%)
저   자 Ophelia E. Dadzie
출판사 Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN   9780470658574
출판일 2013.04
판   형 Hardcover
수량 수량증가수량감소
판   수 1/e
면   수 318 page
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